
How to Sharpen Your Memory

How well do you remember information that youíve encountered? Memory is a massive
part of how people see their lives, because however they remember events leaves a
lasting impression on later events. One thing that people seem to forget quite often is
that the human brain is an amazing and trainable part of the body much like muscles.
Can you imagine what it would be like if people had gyms for the brain? In the next few
paragraphs youíll see a few tips on how to sharpen your memory.
Eat a Balanced Breakfast
Even though people are constantly saying that breakfast is the most important meals of
the day, a lot of people donít take that seriously. Breakfast is the first thing that you eat
in a day, so those nutrients are really important because they tell your body to begin
processing chemicals and jumpstarts your metabolic functions. If you skip this meal,
you’re basically telling your body to function at full power without any fuel, or anything to
keep the gears lubed. Even if itís a small snack, consider something easy to eat before
you start.
Draw a Picture
Doing some form of art can increase your ability hold information in your memory.
Studies using art have discovered that the people in groups who made pictures of the
things that they were supposed to remember had twice the success rate of the people
who didnít. Thatís likely because they used multiple parts of their brain to recall and
produce the information.
Get into Strategy Games
Have you ever been interested in strategy games? There are a lot of different types of
strategy games available for free online. These help you to give your reasoning an
ability a good workout, which helps massively with all sort of problems solving. That’s
because this kind of thinking requires you to use what you know about various
situations to come up with a successful and probable solution to an obstacle posed by
an opponent. Plus, they are just fun.
Get More Sleep
You might be a huge fan of staying up late and binge watching streaming shows of all
kinds, but researchers have been warning people about the dangers of staying up super
late and not getting enough rest. It can lower your immune system, and damage your
memory. Instead try going to bed early on some days, and save the shows for
tomorrow. In most cases they will all still be there and you will be happier that you got
real rest.

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